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eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #28

Marc_ 2014. 4. 25.
Stunning Articles

Designmodo’s Startup Design Framework vs WordPress!
What’s more, whereas a lot of websites created with WordPress tend to be on the slow and...


Generating QR Codes With jQuery
This image, known as a QR code can store data using a series of black and white squares

Hands-on with GitHub’s New Text Editor Atom
Atom on the other hand is a web-based desktop application built on top of...


Transfer CSS to LESS when Building a Website
In this video tutorial, we will show you how to use the free LESS app to compile code...


Radio Buttons in Angular Forms
There are many different use cases for checkboxes and many different ways we can...

CSS Linear, Radial and Repeating Gradients
Just as you can declare the background of an element to be a solid color in CSS...


Speed Design with Illustrator
Save time creating buttons with the dynamic button style, apply the style to any text...


Infinite Scrolling: Good or Bad for Your Site?
Like any other design trend infinite scrolling is becoming increasingly popular and...
Hypnotizing Inspiration

Seascapes and Underwater World in Website Design
For example underwater scenery can unobtrusively entice the users to scroll down...


An Idea For a Smartwatch - Concept
While running over the various smartwatch concepts I thought, I would not wear them...

Meo Mail App User Interface
An outstanding concept of email app user interface...


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Website
The website is a tangible view into the separate comunities


Stunning Icon Set for an RPG Game
Icons created by Creative Mints for an RPG Game...
Useful Stuff

Learn Web Design, Coding & Much More!
Learn to build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, build web apps with Ruby on Rails and PHP, start a business, and more...


Giveaway: Win One Year of SSD Hosting From A2 Hosting
If you run a WordPress blog, it’s about time that you check out the WordPress Hosting from A2 Hosting. Their focus is on what you care...

20 Alternatives to Track Your Working Time
One must be honest and must accept the fact that there is time for everything...


CodeKit - Steroids For Web Developers
CodeKit helps you build websites faster and better, it's like steroids for...


ScrollMagic - Magical Scroll Interactions
ScrollMagic is a jQuery plugin which essentially lets you use the scrollbar like a progress...

Animatron - Create HTML5 Animations
Animatron is a simple and powerful online tool that...


Sympletts - 40 Free Stroke Icons
Sympletts 40 free sample pack stroke icons...


GSS - Grid Style Sheets
GSS reimagines CSS layout & replaces the browser’s layout

eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue
