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eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #33

Marc_ 2014. 4. 27.
Stunning Articles

What Can CSS Filters Do for You?
CSS filters have been around for a while, they originated thanks to SVGs – Scalable Vector...


How To Use HTML5 GeoLocation API With Google Maps
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use the Geolocation API to get your current...

Inside the Design World's $20Mln Divorce
Among those who draw letters for a living, Gotham is most notable for being the...


How to Create a Splash Screen Illustration
In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating a splash screen...


A Designers Guide to Ghost Theming
You will need to get your hands dirty with some coding, so stop right now if you...

Pixelmator: Clone Stamp and Healing Tool
Pixelmator is an easy-to-use, fast, and powerful image editing app for the Mac.


Dynamic Grid with Salvattore and Bootstrap
Salvattore touts itself as a jQuery Masonry alternative with one important...


Font Size Idea: px, rem, em
Me, for the last year or so: rem's are so cool! I'm gonna size everything with them...
Hypnotizing Inspiration

Contour Style in Mobile App Interfaces – Best Examples
There are numerous decorative solutions of how to effectively jazz up your interface...


The iPad Pro - Design Concept
The iPad Pro is the intersection of two product lines - MacBook Pro and iPad Air...

Rosbri Decoration Studio
Website project for Rosbri decoration studio.


Galaxy S4 Website Concept
Website design concept for Samsung Galazy s4...


The Blanco Fashion Store
Nice design and presentation of Blanco Fashion Store...
Useful Stuff

Awesome Websites of Charity and Non-Profit Organisations
Usually, people are better at the end of the year or when special events have happened and help other people or make donations.


Premium Responsive eCommerce WordPress Themes
If you think that in order to create an online store you need to invest a large sum of money, then you are just wrong. Nowadays you can...

15 Tools and Platforms for Designing Websites
It used to be impossible to create a decent-looking website for one of your...


Magic Animations CSS3
Collection of 55 magic and outstanding css3 animations for your next project...


Tab Bar Icons iOS 7 Vol5
The latest volume of our iOS7 tab bar icons series with 32 icons to help you design...

Create Wireframes Easy and Free - iOS7
Awesome UX kit is a free set of 26 Adobe Illustrator...


Free OnePage PSD Template
This template is just a little something we've made for...


Set of 42+ Free Colorful Ficons Icons
Free Set Colorful Ficons Icons 42+ for your next work...

eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue
