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eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #20

Marc_ 2014. 4. 21.

Tech Trends 2014
Anonymity, Drones, Mind Control, Augmented Humanity, Self-Driving Cars, Re-interpretation of Craft, Bucking the Price, Reinvention of PC.

Simple Web Mockups
It’s a set of graphics, blocks, and components that are designed to help you plan and conceptualise your design, without spending weeks on starting...

Flexible CSS Cover Images
Image is cropped, specific maximum dimensions it’s displayed at a predetermined...

Make WordPress Sites Load 72.7% Faster
The problem is that there is a whole lot of misguidance out there that makes it hard...

Design Web Content is About to Change
For the entire history of the web so far, we’ve generally handled content in two ways.

Design Trends to Avoid in 2014
Now that 2013 is left in past, we take a look at some design trends you should avoid using...

AngularJS Form Validation
Focus on client side validation and use the built in AngularJS form properties.

StartUps: Your Focus Should Be On Design
Should you and your team shift your primary focus on Design, before investing in anything...


FM Radio UI
Simple, Flat and clean FM Radio User Interface.

Ligature Collective Introductory
Knowledge of vintage and modern typography.

Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts Concept.

Monarch Ui Kit
Awesome and colorful UI Kit.

Big Website Menus
Sites With Big Website Menus

Free HTML Starter Templates for Bootstrap
Templates created to help you get started on your next Bootstrap project.

Photoshop Plugins you Won’t be Able to Live Without
To help make 2014 the most awesome year, here is a collection of amazing Photoshop plugins for you...

10 Fresh Handy CSS Tools for Developers
Collection of 10 New and Fresh Handy CSS Tools for dev's.

Ultimate CSS Tools For Web Designers
Gradient Generator, Border Radius, Noise Texture...

Make your Web Sites Responsive Instantly!
Add features to your Web Site to enable it respond and adapt to...

Combination User Interface Pack
Grab this stunning & absolutely gorgeous freebie - Combination User Interface Pack.

Web Design Conferences in 2014
With 2013 being over now, we can look forward to an amazing 2014 which will be surely filled...

20 Cool and Free Social Badges
Here is a great collection of 20 cool and free social badges for your next project.

eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue
