Responsive Images with Apropos |
When Square’s front-end engineering team was building website, we decided on that we needed to support a variety of devices. |
Icons |
Some icons created by @career, designer from China. |
Type Hunting |
An ongoing archive of found typography, photographed and curated by graphic designer @jonathanlawrnce |
Simple Life |
With the help of Iconfans and Xiaomi Inc, author made the first Xiaomi theme. |
Braxton |
Fontfabric type foundry presents Braxton – a brush flavored script free font! |
Higher |
Higher is an Free font created by Marisa Passos. |
Dense |
Dense is a versatile, elegant, geometric and compact sans-serif typeface. |
Pasarela |
Pasarela is a display typeface inspired by the new culture of fashion in the streets. |
FlowType.JS |
Web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width. |
The iOS Design Cheat Sheet |
With the release of iOS 7, app designers and developers will need to adjust their visual language to match the new "flat" design of iOS. |
Map Icons |
An icon font for use with Google Maps API and Google Places API using SVG markers and icon labels. |
Web UI Kits |
Web UI Kits is the Best place to find User Interface Elements for Web Design. |
24 Free Clothes Icons |
Fully in vector .ai file, but it is super easy to import icons to photoshop as vector shape! |
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