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eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #26 Stunning Articles 10 Tips for Designing with Type on a Photo One of the best techniques to have in your toolkit is designing with type on and around... Advantage of a Web Design Process Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system... How WhatsApp Onboards New Users WhatsApp made some minor news for their modest acquisition of $19 billion... Respons.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 25.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #25 Stunning Articles Coming and Going Web Design Trends for 2014 This year the design scene will be very interesting to watch as I think there will be... Make a Flippin’ 3D Countdown with CSS & JavaScript The final effect, is using only a little CSS and some JS class juggling... How Evernote Onboards New Users Evernote provides a suite of products and merchandise aimed to help you better... Using P.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 23.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #24 Stunning Articles Responsive Web Design vs Mobile Website vs Native App The Pros and Cons of Responsive Web Design vs. Mobile Website vs. Native App... Draggable Elements That Push Others Out Of Way Aside from a few esoteric tricks involving stuff like the resize handle on textareas... Sublime Text for Designers After using Sublime for a while I found it to be the best app for codey goodness... .. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 23.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #23 Articles Build Flat Responsive Website - Complete Course This video course guides you through the creation of a flat pixel-perfect website starting from scratch and ending with a functional layout... Understanding the GitHub Workflow GitHub Flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects where deployments are made regularly. Creating Home Icons for iOS and Android L.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 22.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #22 Articles 5 UX Tips for Designing More Usable Registration Forms When designing registration forms, keep in mind that they are for the user and the smoother the registration process, the more delighted your... WordPress Security Essentials: Say Goodbye to Hackers It’s not fun having your site hacked, beefing up your site’s security can seem like a chore, but it’s far easier than dealing with the .. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 21.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #21 Articles CSS Level 4 And More: What’s Coming In 2014 CSS blend modes, currently supported in Chrome Canary, should make it into Chrome main and (with luck) other browsers this year, putting far more... Introducing New Features in Photoshop CC (14.2) This update to Photoshop CC includes many new features, including Perspective Warp for manipulating multiple perspectives in an image... 12 Web Feat.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 21.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #20 Articles Tech Trends 2014 Anonymity, Drones, Mind Control, Augmented Humanity, Self-Driving Cars, Re-interpretation of Craft, Bucking the Price, Reinvention of PC. Simple Web Mockups It’s a set of graphics, blocks, and components that are designed to help you plan and conceptualise your design, without spending weeks on starting... Flexible CSS Cover Images Image is cropped, specific maximum dim.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 21.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #19 Articles2014 Predictions for Web DesignIf you can correctly predict where things are moving, and you’re willing to back yourself, then you can position for the future. CSS Blend ModesCSS Blend Modes (multiply, screen, overlay and soft light) could be the next big thing in Web Design.Inspiration and DiscountsCreative VIP offers lots of discounts on products that many of us could find useful... Us.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 16.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #18 Articles Using Space to Create a Simple and Effective Design Space can be one of the greatest tools in your design kit, it can make text easier to read, bring focus to certain parts of the design. Fonts Have Feelings Too, The Right Font Choice I’ve noticed how seemingly small things like font and the spacing between letters can impact how I feel when reading online. Search Traffic has Dropped Re.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 16.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #17 Articles Animated line drawing in SVG Paths in SVG are defined in a format that competes with regex in terms of illegibility... The Design of WordPress 3.8 A new look is one thing (and we’re going to get it), but when you’re well established... Using Square Blocks in Web Design Using Square Blocks - What’s the purpose of using them? Exploring canvas drawing techniques Freedrawing is one of the s.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 16.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #16 Articles How to Decide on a Color Scheme for Your Website Each color has its own unique connotations that can be used to your advantage for your website design. Holiday Themed Websites: How to Avoid Cliche Design There are plenty of ways to create subtle changes on your site to last you through the holidays without a site design that screams cliché. 5 Advanced Mobile Web Design Techniques Five A.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 14.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #15 Articles Is design a part of mainstream startup culture now? Absolutely Kevin Systrom (Instagram co-founder) - “Some of the biggest services in the world started off with really simple problems”. Creating Non-Rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes We're going to go over the basics of declaring shapes, and creating simple layouts using new CSS technologies. Misalignment and Asymmetry The various ele.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 14.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #14 Articles Expected Web Design trends for 2014 Below you will find a list of expected web design trends in approaching 2014. Supercharge your Workflow in Sketch 8 Easy to Learn Shortcuts to Increase your Productivity in Sketch Is flat design a passing trend or something more? This technique is clean and minimal with a focus on great typography, color schemes and simple icons. Tumblr revamped for i.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 11.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #13 Articles Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different In the mind’s eye of many people Japan is a land of tranquil Zen gardens. Three stages of making wireframes Your prototype needs a workflow. Why We Need Responsive Images: Part Deux The stats below come from tests on Chrome and IE11. A Simple Guide to Creating iOS7 Style Icons Simple process you can follow to create iOS7 inspirited icons. Banning.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 11.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #12 Articles The Next Big Thing: Responsive Icons There are a few ways you can currently go about creating and implementing responsive icons. Interfaces in need Facebook doesn’t need your design help. But there are many other companies that do. How Square designed a product with no design at all Square founder Jack Dorsey had asked him to design a product that was so simple. Creating Non-Rectangular.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 10.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #11 Articles Responding to environmental lighting with CSS Media Queries Level 4 Media Queries Level 4 builds upon the existing media queries specification. Ghost Blogging Platform Review, Good Bye WordPress? Now we have a great new blogging platform. Ghost: just a blogging platform. Personal websites There’s nothing personal about it anymore, besides the URL. And this makes me sad. E-Commerce Navig.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 9.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #10 Articles Create Flat WordPress Theme How to create a WordPress theme design for your website. Starting Photoshop HTML5 Extension development The guide Adobe forgot to do! How to modify Bootstrap simply and effectively These are fully-fledged mods that take the basic bootstrap UI. Using CSS Shapes to Enhance Visual Storytelling About to change with the implementation of CSS Shapes. Everyday Desig.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 9.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #8 Articles Introduction to Lettering: One Letterform at a Time Create a drop cap letterform for your favorite book. Case Study: Redesigning Commit for iOS 7 Commit is a habit building app based on Jerry Seinfield’s productivity method. A Quick Guide to Sans-Serif Fonts The Sans-Serif has gained the reputation as a “modern” style of typography. How to hire designers A beautiful product that solves .. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 9.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #7 Articles Designing for iOS 7: Guide to Getting Started Apple’s iOS 7 is designed with flat in mind, although it is not completely flat. Revolutionary User Interfaces The human computer interface helps to define computing at any one time. 6 Mobile Checkout Usability Considerations Here’s a simple test: pick up a standard business card. Development Is Design I quipped about how I wished to stop ge.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 8.
eWebDesign.com Newsletter Issue #6 Articles Getting Started with Flat UI Design Start experimenting with flat UI design and coming up with some beautifully designed sites. Icons And Interfaces Too often we fill interfaces with icons, without even realizing it. Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman In this podcast interview, Jeffrey Zeldman (A List Apart). Image Compression for Web Developers Article provides a technique of image compres.. Design/eWebDesign.com 2014. 4. 8.